Eddlesea. Il tempo metabolico

19.09.2024 > 18.10.2024

curated by Andrea Lerda
in collaboration with Istituto Italiano di Cultura
Alexandra Boaru, Bea Bonafini, Lena Kuzmich, Flaminia Veronesi
Galeria Posibilă, Bucharest

When humans became convinced that in order to continue living it was necessary to evolve, the metabolic process of being and becoming erupted into an era of awareness, blending, and coexistence. After processing the remnants of the anthropocentric galaxy, ancient rituals and new forms of relationships rewrote the codes of existence.
In the time of Eddlesea — 420 years after the collapse of the Capitalocene — both living and non-living beings share the same need to construct reality through the practice of dreaming. Futures once unimaginable now take shape, thanks to the seeds buried long ago by thinkers, creatives, pioneers.
New paradigms and global orders have been defined; a creative energy has emerged from the chains of patriarchy; male and female, once separated, now coexist in post-gender beings; hierarchical dominance has transformed into biopolitics, and bodies, like minds, resonate as one with biotic and abiotic forces.
In a scenario where time has definitively shifted into a perpetual present of becoming, everything changes according to principles of circularity and regeneration. (...).

At the entrance, works on paper by Flaminia Veronesi, created by the Milanese artist in 2024, are on display. These pieces emerged from a re-examination of the thought of Maria Montessori — pedagogue, educator, and one of the first women to earn a medical degree in Italy — who, in the early 20th century, outlined an innovative perspective within feminist reflections and demands.
The watercolors reinterpret the image of the “pioneer woman,” shaping a new symbolic imagination of maternity, where feminine virtues like care, hospitality, and connection to nature — freed from the domestic space where they had been imprisoned — finally strengthen the human species, erupting into a new universal sentiment.


Photo credits: 
Galeria Posibilă, photographer Veronica Negrilă

The exhibition Eddlesea. Il tempo metabolico is supported by the Italian Cultural Institute, in collaboration with Simóndi Gallery and Renata Fabbri Gallery.
The exhibition Eddlesea. Il tempo metabolico is part of the multi-annual program Intertwined Relationships. Contaminated Exchanges proposed by Galeria Posibilă for 2024-2025. The program is co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration and supported by the Globalworth Foundation (partners in 2024 for the editorial program). The program does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the program or for how the program's results may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding beneficiary.
Technical sponsor: Coex Naturally Fireproof 

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