Middle Way is the "Middle Path," the essence or substance of life, which transcends and, at the same time, encompasses the opposites of material aspects and invisible aspects. It is therefore ideally situated between the Truth of temporary existence and the Truth of non-substantiality. Tien-t’ai, the founder of one of the most important Mahāyāna schools of Chinese Buddhism, proposed this "third Truth" to illuminate the indivisible interconnectedness between the concreteness and spirituality of existence. A particular vision from which the Buddhist principles of the inseparability of body and mind, and of individual and environment, originate, leading us to the new works by Francesca Ferreri and Laura Renna. In both, the strong physical presence, also emphasized by the dimensions of the works, and the sophisticated use of materials are indissolubly connected with the intention and spiritual elevation of the works themselves. (...)
- 14.12.2024
- 22.02.2025
- Middle Way. Francesca Ferreri + Laura Renna
A cura di Milena Becci
mostra realizzata in collaborazione con Simóndi Gallery
Traffic Gallery, Bergamo

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