  • 23.01.2025
  • 30.03.2025
  • Ettore Fico. Dialoghi contemporanei
  • A cura di Andrea Busto 

    MEF - Museo Ettore Fico

The exhibition Ettore Fico. Contemporary Dialogues, after its Venetian stop at the Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation and its showcase at the MACC in Calasetta, concludes its tour at the Ettore Fico Museum, marking the celebration of the ten-year anniversary of the MEF's opening in Turin.


The exhibition is divided into five sections (Suburbs - Silent Nature and Vanitas - Bodies - Places and Landscapes - Abstraction) that address the existential theme of "Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?". The show places Ettore Fico’s figure in the right context, putting him in dialogue with young artists who express, through their works, similar and parallel sensibilities. The resulting comparison affirms that art remains relevant, even when dealing with thousand-year old themes.


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