Francesca Ferreri, Campo, 2023, acrylic and oil on linen canvas, 214x325 cm, ph © Allemandi Zambotti
Francesca Ferreri, Fever Drawings, 2022, watercolor on paper, 34.5x25.6x3.5 cm each, ph © Allemandi Zambotti
Francesca Ferreri, Untitled (from the series Batteri), 2025, wire mesh, reinforced plaster, papier-mâché, consolidating resin and pigments, Ø 35-40 cm approx. each, ph © Allemandi Zambotti
Francesca Ferreri, Daily mood (et, de) #1, 2022, jesmonite, silica sand, pigments, plaster, consolidating resin on board, 30x23x2cm
Francesca Ferreri, Germination #1, 2022, jesmonite, silica sand, pigments, plaster, consolidating resin on board, 23x15x2 cm
Francesca Ferreri, Germination #2, 2022, jesmonite, silica sand, pigments, plaster, consolidating resin on board, 23x15x2 cm
Francesca Ferreri, Quiet, mossy yet alive, 2022, jesmonite, silica sand, marble dust, pigments, plaster, objects, consolidating resin, iron, 330x350x360 cm
Francesca Ferreri, Items, 2019, ceramic fragments, plaster, wood, consolidating resin, 40x30 cm
Francesca Ferreri, Items, 2019, ceramic fragments, plaster, wood, consolidating resin, 40x30 cm
Francesca Ferreri, Progressioni, 2016, wood, reinforced plaster, pigments, consolidating resin, ceramic fragments, objects, 217x170x12 cm
Francesca Ferreri, La ripresa, 2015, objects, papier-mâché, sand, pigments, 259x80x210 cm
Francesca Ferreri, Eterocronie (dalla serie), 2013, ceramic and glass bowls, moleskine diary, plastic container, sand, pigments, jesmonite, ceramic plaster, consolidating resin, 34x13x30 cm
Francesca Ferreri, Eterocronie (dalla serie), 2013, snowball, bottled spices, electric lighter, sand, pigments, jesmonite, ceramic plaster, consolidating resin, 31,5x25x23 cm
Francesca Ferreri, Eterocronie (dalla serie), 2013, deodorant, easel, bicycle brakes, sand, pigments, jesmonite, ceramic plaster, consolidating resin, 42x11x21 cm